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Tag: "Metal"

  • Larp Inn - We Make Stuff!
    Larp Inn - We Make Stuff!
    2428 Views Liked

    Do you know we make stuff? Larp Inn is best known for reselling great products from European manufacturers at affordable prices online and in the field. However, many of our items are produced in house and the majority of our best-selling LARP weapons, leather products and gaming sets are handmade by us.

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  • LARP Chainmail Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    LARP Chainmail Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    2191 Views Liked

    If you’re thinking about buying chainmail, you’ve got some that’s in desperate need of TLC or you’re just interested in reading guides - this article runs through some of the basics of chainmail ownership. So, let’s get started….

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  • Metal LARP Costume Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    Metal LARP Costume Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    2069 Views Liked

    Metal LARP costume is difficult to keep in good condition. Even with excellent care and storage, wearing metal at events inevitably leads to scuffs and scratches. With British weather, a downpour is also to be expected. This guide is to help keep your metal kit in the best condition for many years to come.

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