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Posted in : "2021 - March"

  • Larp Inn - We Make Stuff!
    Larp Inn - We Make Stuff!
    2429 Views Liked

    Do you know we make stuff? Larp Inn is best known for reselling great products from European manufacturers at affordable prices online and in the field. However, many of our items are produced in house and the majority of our best-selling LARP weapons, leather products and gaming sets are handmade by us.

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  • The Larp Inn Games Room
    The Larp Inn Games Room
    1284 Views Liked

    The Larp Inn Games Room in Telford was opened as a space for us to play Dungeons & Dragons and large-scale wargames, like Warhammer 40K, Sigma and Kings of War. Now we regularly host game days and stock tonnes of goodies for people to come and browse.

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  • LARP Essentials - What to Bring - Packing List
    LARP Essentials - What to Bring - Packing List
    4300 Views Liked

    Here at Larp Inn, we know how chaotic packing for an event can be. After many incidents where important items have been forgotten, we've compiled an extensive list of the camping equipment, toiletries, clothes, costume and essentials you'll want to think about before heading off to an outdoor Larp event.

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Showing 1 to 3 of 4 (2 Pages)