Runestar D12 - PDF View larger

Runestar D12 - PDF


Runestar D12 is a mass-fantasy wargame, set in an 'Early Medieval' world. The combat engine uses a one-roll dice mechanic to ensure swift play. Magick is resolved using an innovative 'Rune Card' system which rewards creativity and quick-thinking.

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Properties 78 Pages

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Runestar D12 is a mass-fantasy wargame, set in an 'Early Medieval' world. The combat engine uses a one-roll dice mechanic to ensure swift play. Magick is resolved using an innovative 'Rune Card' system which rewards creativity and quick-thinking.

Players can use any miniatures they wish to represent the armies of Runestar - your imagination is the only limit. The game runs best with 28mm or 15mm miniatures. One model represents one one model - this is not an 'element' based game.

All units are built using a mathematical formula and there are plentiful special rules to provide players with variety.

The core rulebook comes with eleven army lists, a bestiary, six scenarios and forty-eight rune cards.

The book is filled with original art and lore, bringing the world of Goragaia to life. Narrative wargamers and role-players are more than welcome to immerse themselves in this original fantasy setting.

Ready your mount and charge your rune blade, general. The Runestar Saga has only just begun...

What makes Runestar D12 unique? -

1) Rune card magic system: combine runes to make your own spells
2) One-roll combat on a D12 for quick resolution
3) Simultaneous strategy - players share a turn
4) Battle lines are stable and units don't get wiped out when they retreat
5) An original setting on the nodeworld of Goragaia - full of myth and lore.
6) Innovative rules for great weapons, crossbows and long reach weapons.

Which armies are featured in the core book?

The human armies featured in the core book are compatible with most medieval collections - from heavy cavalry lists to 'barbarian' clans to shieldwalls to steppe hordes to desert tribes. They include one Undying Legion list.

The armies of the Elder Races are compatible with the basic fantasy races we all know and love (i.e. Rilkans can be represented by 'Elvish' troops, Au Ko by 'large orcs' and so on.)

Human lists: Acrosti, Valiscythians, Psceltir, Rothian Kingdoms, Sarmidians, Symbol Kings.

Elder Races: Au Ko, Sidheril, Rilkans, The Morog, Dalf Byorn

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